Customer Testimonials

Blake Barnett Promo ImageBLAKE BARNETT - Host of DSC's "Trailing the Hunter's Moon"

"I tested the new Mountain Guide boots out in the Caucasus Mountains of Azerbaijan. I had only 48 hours to break them in. One of the greatest things about Kenetrek Boots is there is very little break in required. These boots handled the aggressive mountains like a champ and my feet remained in good shape the entire time. Light weight, breathable and waterproof, if you’re a mountain hunter, your feet will appreciate the great footwear and support you give them!"

Erin Throckmorton Promo ImageERIN THROCKMORTON - Host of Giving Back TV

"I got a pair of the Kenetrek Safari in July and took them on safari that summer to both Namibia and South Africa. I was blown away by not only the comfort of these boots, but also the durability! The traction was incredible no matter what terrain we were hunting in. I used them back in Montana for early season whitetail and pronghorn antelope hunting as well with zero issues. These are my go to boot when hunting in warmer climates here in the US or abroad."

Carrie Hartsfield Promo ImageCARRIE HARTSFIELD - Cary, NC

"These boots are made for walking and that’s just what I’ll do! Huge shout out to Kenetrek Boots. I’ve hiked well over 100 miles in the mountains of Patagonia in these boots and never got one blister, even when I was breaking them in!"

J. Alain Smith Promo ImageJ. ALAIN SMITH - Host of Rugged Expeditions TV

"Whether I’m in Mongolia after sheep or Pakistan after Ibex my Kenetrek’s never let me down! I’ve been wearing Kenetreks for years now and they have proven to be the best boots under the most extreme circumstances imaginable. I never leave home without them."